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The Third Rail

Dec 27, 2020

This week we're joined by Bellerophon, Nike, and DK to digest through our Christmas carbs with a discussion of:
Antiquated racial slurs used against antiquated farm equipment,
Rappers with family values, Australian driving optics, "GlowOps and Their Consequences Have Been a Disaster for The Boomer Race," and Fake Zoom...

Dec 5, 2020

Jinjerzilla joins Bellerophon, DK, and Borzoi to talk about his books (and their struggles) as the boys get into Matt "1 Billion Burgers" Yglesias' Rogan appearance, discuss the hermeneutics of QAnon, the "defund the police" rollup, and cover a hilarious Tablet Mag story about the expulsion of Jewish women from secret...

Nov 28, 2020

Duckduckgo selling your data to Google

Voodoo girl and tranny surgery 
The future of European populism 
Japan's diverse society
Israel takes out Iranian nuclear scientist
Election shenanigans 
BLM becoming irrelevant 

Nov 21, 2020

The super-racist nephews (Bellerophon, Borzoi, Nike, and Kegs) gather around the Thanksgiving table for a cozy talk about the National Justice Party postmortem, read Holocaust novels, tear apart Michael Lind's anti-Yankee propaganda, oppose antisocial queer adoption, and defend the Christmas tree.

Nov 7, 2020

Gay Election Coverage.