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The Third Rail

Jun 28, 2022

A cozy sidecar as Spectre and Borzoi discuss the impact of the abortion ruling, how to continue monkey-wrenching the Republican party, waking up White people and more!

Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna Make it) For my Kings by StormKing 

Producer: Spectre

(times approximate)

00:00 - 39:00 Abortion Ruling: What Does It...

Jun 25, 2022

A cozy sidecar as Spectre, Nike, Dharma King and Dark Enlightenment talk all about why hoes are mad and what to make of it, various religious and secular views, as well as how it’s being discussed in White Nationalist circles and the bigger picture of how it affects mankind’s soul. It’s abortin’ time,...

Jun 20, 2022

Spectre, Lauritz and Dharma King discuss conservative gatekeeping on race, the horrors of Jews living with the consequences of their own policies and subversions, how diversity is eating away the left, the decline of storytelling because it can’t engage in reality, and more!


Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna Make it)...

Jun 14, 2022

Borzoi, Lauritz, and Paul/HotPolishTakes discuss Polish nationalism, the coming heating crisis, sensitivity to anti-Americanism abroad, the crimes of Shlomo Morel, and more.

00:00 - Updates on the Lauritz Research Project and Table of Contents

05:15 - Polish Nationalism Updates and Zio-Bro

22:30 - Poles Gathering...

Jun 7, 2022

Spectre and Lauritz talk about the truth desert of modern media and why a new truth-based media must emerge (and how we must build it), NJP in Fargo – Justice for Jupiter! – the ongoing energy holocaust that is actually happening, lectures from our dear rabbi friends, and more!

In the second hour, Spectre talks to...