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The Third Rail

May 30, 2023

Midnight Special returns...

May 23, 2023

Dharma King, Lauritz and Spectre talk about the ongoing war on Whites in the media and law enforcement, how (((they))) create political and historical myths from whole cloth, kabuki Congressional shows, Occupy Wall Street, and we Bakhmut dat ass up discussing the latest from Russia.

Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna...

May 9, 2023

Dharma King, Borzoi, Lauritz and Spectre talk about the latest with Russia, Glenn Greenwald and the old left journos, Jewish pearl clutching about the anti-semitism problem in anime (we have the anime solution!), the anti-White marinade that soaks everything, academia’s continued decline to mendacity and more!


May 2, 2023

Fresh from Sorrows Camp in Zion Valley, Joshua Graham joins Borzoi, Lauritz and Spectre for a new segment, the hot take minute, followed by discussion of the dying online media, pedophiles pushing to be a protected class, Palantir and Peter Thiel, the grift right’s psychedelic push as the manifestation of MK...